Oliver’s Insights – How worried should investors be about a “second wave” of coronavirus cases?
A serious second wave of coronavirus cases in major developed countries is the biggest risk
Oliver’s Insights – Shares climb a “wall of worry” – but is it sustainable?
The strong rally in shares since their March lows reflects a combination of economic reopening …
Oliver’s Insights
Australian house prices starting to fall – collapse likely averted but expect more weakness ahead.
Oliver’s Insights – 10 medium to longer-term implications from the Coronavirus shock
There has been much debate about the short-term economic and investment impact of …
The Lucky Country – three reasons why Australia may come through this period of global misery better than most other countries
Back in January when the bushfires were raging, I feared Australia’s luck had ran out. But right …
After a strong rally, in the short-term shares are vulnerable to bleak economic and earnings
This is an update of a note I wrote last November, but after the recent plunge in shar …
Light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel – what does it mean for investors?
After a strong rally, in the short-term shares are vulnerable to bleak economic and earnings …
Magic money tree – QE & money printing and their part in the coronavirus economic rescue
Central bank support to ensure the flow of money and credit through economies is an …